Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Terrific Tuesday! Rounding, Schema, and More!

Hi All,

   We are continuing to work on rounding and making ballpark estimates.... Please make sure you go over this with your child at home... I sent home a page on rounding to help assist students during homework tonight... It looks like this...
"Five and above give it a SHOVE, four or less, go back and rest!"
For example... if the number is 34.... We would round that number to 30.... If the number is 47 we round it to 50.... That is how we do Ballpark estimates!
   In writing, our objective was good writers select topics for different reasons.... Students wrote which non fiction topics they had schema about and which topics they wanted to learn more about...
Kayla had schema on dogs.
Finn had schema on fish.
Kevin had schema on bears.
Christopher had schema on sharks.
Sophia had schema on parrots.
A reminder... please have your child practice math fluency for our mad minute test at the end of December... also, I have given one page of math homework tonight...
Until Tomorrow,
Miss Ignatiadis 


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