Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Easy Addition Facts, Retelling a story in sequential order, writing engaging leads....

Hi All,

     In Math today our objective was to review +0 and +1 addition facts; and to provide practice with addition facts in which one of the addends is 0, 1, 2, or 3.  We also talked about how easy math facts are easier to do in our brain that to do with a calculator... Ask your child about the "beat the calculator" game!

    In reading, our objective was "good readers retell a story in sequence.... "  Students listened to the story memoirs of a goldfish and with a partner they retold the story in sequence using their organizers. 

    In writing, we talked about how stories have engaging leads... We added that stories with engaging leads help the audience want to read your story!!! 

A REMINDER.... We are going to the Bartlett Arboretum on October 16.... Please sign and send in the permission slip as soon as possible.  NO LATER THAN FRIDAY October 3. 

Also, a reminder that the book fair is open all week! :)


Miss Ignatiadis

Monday, September 29, 2014

Number Stories, Reading wtih puncuation, Writers Revise, Evaporation!

Hi all,

    What a busy Monday.... In math, we worked on number stories.  Our objective was to guide children as they make up, represent, and solve addition number stories.  In each number story, there is a unit/label (Ex: Children) and a number model.  An example of a number story is "There are 6 children sitting on the carpet.  There are 4 children sitting at their seats.  How many children in all?"  The number model is 6+4=10.  The unit is children and answer is 10 children.  Take a look at the students working hard.

In reading, our objective was "good readers read with expression- using punctuation".  We talked about how important it is to read with expression.  Example:  When you see a period, you stop.  When you see a comma, you take a breath.  When you see a question mark, your voice goes higher.  When you see an exclamation point, you read with excitement.  Students practiced reading a poem with their reading partner. 

In writing, our objective was "good writers revise for the purpose of conjunctions, pronouns, and transitions." We talked about the importance of having our stories have details, transition words (first, next, then, last), and punctuation.  Take a look at these hard working writers during the revision process. 

Jaiden is adding details to his story.

Maira is adding transition words!


In Science, we followed up with our melting race.  We saw that the water we put into our clear dishes disappeared over the long weekend!!!  We confirmed that it was "evaporation".... Take a look at these scientists making observations!

What a day!!! So much done!! Please remember that the book fair is going on in the media center... I took the students today from 2:20-2:40pm.  If your child wishes to purchase anything from the book fair, please send in money in an envelope or ziplock baggie with their name on it... I will send them when it is convenient during the day....

Thanks so much for your help!



Miss Ignatiadis

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Math Unit 1 Test... Compare and contrast topics, Using transtional words in paragraphs, Melting race!

Hi All,

     What a Wednesday!!  In Math, students took the Unit 1 test... Can't believe Unit 1 is already finished!!!

       In reading, our objective was "good readers compare and contrast topics... "  We discussed similarities and differences in reading... using an organizer to help... Take a look!

In writing our objective was "good writers use transitional words between paragraphs"... We talked about how transitional words are used to show time... (Example: First, Next, then, last)...
Here are some examples of transitional words added to stories...
Jonathan used the word "First" to start his story...

Maira used the word "First" to start her story...

Yomara used the word "First" to start her story!
In Science today... The students did an experiment called the melting race!  The used their hands to melt ice inside a ziplock bag and then recorded it!

What a day!!! Please remember that we do not have school tomorrow or Friday...
For those celebrating Rosh Hashanah, I hope you enjoy your holiday! :)

Until Next Week!
Miss Ignatiadis

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Math Open Response Review, Retelling a Story, Writing Complete Sentences, Science Changes!

Hi All,

    Today we reviewed "open response" for our math test tomorrow.... Please make sure to go over this with your child.... Tomorrow is our UNIT 1 Math test....

   In reading, our objective "good readers can retell a story including details in sequential order".... Take a look at these students retelling a story... (PIGGYBOOK)

 In writer's workshop, our objective was "Good Writers complete sentences and paragraphs using conjunctions".. Students used green draft paper to draft a story of their choice. Take a look!

In Science, students are beginning the unit thinking and talking about a familiar concept: how things around them change.  Today we did an experiment with a solid turning into a liquid!  Take a look!

We have exciting scientists in here!!! They are so focused!
What a day!!!

Please make sure to remind your child of our math test tomorrow! :)

Miss Ignatiadis


Monday, September 22, 2014

Math Unit 1 Review... Message/Lesson in the story, Ask questions/add details in writing....

Hi All,

     Today in Math, we reviewed for our UNIT 1 Math test.... Tonight I am sending home one page of review for math homework....

     In Reading, our objective was "good readers know that narrative stories often contain a message or lesson to be learned...."  Students reviewed the lesson in "PiggyBook"... They said, "The lesson is to be nice to someone and be respectful..."  They also added... "The kids/dad learned that they actually needed the mother's help because when she was gone... they really missed her!"  Take a look at these readers!

Celeste and Mensur are partner reading quietly...

Kathryn and Malaki are focused!

Bennett is reading to Nicole!
Kathryn said the authors message was not to call people names because it can hurt their feelings.

Samantha said the author's message is not to go to bed late because you will be tired.

Sophia said the authors message was "treat people the way you want to be treated."

Yomara said the authors message was "don't hide in the school... you will get in trouble"

     In Writing, our objective was "good writers ask and answer questions to add details to their stories...."  Students used their 3-2-1 planner to help them with the process.... Take a look at these writers! 

Every student worked hard and made sure they added details to their writing!

    Tonight... the students have one page of math homework and one page of reading homework... Our Math TEST will be on Wednesday... :)

Until tomorrow!

Miss Ignatiadis :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

It's Friday Already!? Math Meeting, Humor in Reading, Organizing Writing, and PAWS! :-)

Hi All,

    What a Friday!  The students worked so hard today!  Check out our math meeting... Samantha was our math leader for the day!!
In this picture, Samantha is using the bar graph to graph the weather...

Samantha is saying the date using the calendar...

All the students are engaged and eyes are on the Promethean Board!

In reading, our objective was good readers notice how illustrations use details in illustrations to convey humor... Check out these hard working cookies making their own readers response entries!
Camilo said "this picture shows humor because the cows were scared of the lightening"

Celeste said, "this picture shows humor because the little boy was scared of the gorilla costume because it had yellow teeth"

Malaki said "this picture shows humor because the girl was picking melons and inside the melon there was a slug"

Nakiyah said, "this picture has humor because the dog was jumping in a pile of newspapers."

In writing, our objective was "Good writers plan before drafting a story"  We talked about the importance of making sure our writing is in order and also carefully planned using beginning, middle, end... and also adding details!!! Check out these writers!!!
Bennett is using his organizer to write about a snowy day...

Finn is using his organizer to write about camping...

Jaiden is using his organizer to write about a Soccer Game...

Jonathan is using his organizer to write about a school day...

Kayla is using her organizer to write about a dog...

Ryan is using her organizer to write about Lake Quassy...

And, last but not least, the students worked in groups and came up with ways to be respectful, responsible, safe and work hard.  As these are our school rules... We talked about the importance of making sure we are all following the rules... I wanted to make it fun and have the students work in groups and come up with their own ideas as to what the rules mean to them... The students had their own roles in the group and used their "inside voices" during the process.  Take a look at their hard work and final project!  Talk about a Friday "Fun day"!!! 

This group worked on ways to "Being Respectful"

This group came up with ways to "Be Responsible"

This group came up with ways to "Be Safe"

This group came up with ways to "Work Hard"

So so so proud of them!! Everyday they continue to amaze me!  They worked so hard in their groups and took turns!!!  We have really come together as a class and talking about how these rules are so important!!

Have a great weekend... Until Monday!!

Miss Ignatiadis