Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Friday! :) Math Stations were introduced today :)

Today I introduced Math Stations to the class.... We practiced rotating to each station and worked on transitioning.  The students loved the stations and used inside voices during switching.  Addition Top-It, Telling Time, Analog/Digital challenge, and Can-Do It math were the stations.... Also, my station was "FAST MATH!"

In writing, we made lists of topics we liked and started our table of contents.  Students wrote about summer vacations, surfing, the beach, school, and their families! I know I already have a group of exciting writers!!

I put a notice in the student folders about bringing in coins.  20 pennies, 10 dimes, 10 nickels, and 4 quarters (inside a Ziploc baggie). The coins will be put inside the students math tool kits and be used throughout the year. 

I know there are a lot of forms being sent home.  Thank you for your time and patience!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Ignatiadis


  1. Thanks for the blogs Ms. I!!! It's very helpful and will try to check it daily:) Do you have an email address in case I have questions and concerns?
