Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wacky Wednesday! Thermometers, Disguising a Turkey, Publishing!

Hi All,

   Today in Math, we talked about thermometers and degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius.  And changes in thermometer temperatures... The students discussed what we use thermometers for... (e.g... a turkey, a pool, if we are sick, to tell the temperature outside/inside, etc).... Tonight, I have sent home one page of math homework....

    Today we did a fun lesson on how to disguise a turkey!  The students used their imaginations and wrote a story about how they would disguise a turkey... Take a look!
Yomara wrote "I would disguise turkey by putting a hat on it and hide it on the roof!"

Nicole wrote "I will put a cover over the turkey and put it under my bed!"

Kathryn wrote "I will put a mustache on it... and glasses.. I will put it with my stuffed animals!"

Ryan wrote "I will put my Halloween costume on it.... and put it outside!"

Samantha wrote "I will make it look like a hamburger... and put it in my grandpa's fridge!"
In writing we continued publishing!  This is our last day... We will have a publisher's party Friday with Mrs. Mazzo's class!!!  The students are so excited!! Stay tuned for photos! :)
P.s... Students were allowed to choose any books of their choice to keep at home...  Enjoy and happy reading :)
Until Tomorrow,
Miss Ignatiadis

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