In math today we sorted numerical data and arranged data in ascending or descending order, and we found the middle value (median) for a set a numerical data.

We also discussed the mode... (The number that appears the most)
In reading, our objective was "good readers use the title and important events in the story to determine the lesson." We talked about cause and effect....
Today was a special day, we had "safe talks".... People came to talk to us about being safe... We acted out scenarios... Take a look!
Role playing...
Jonathan volunteered to role play...
Bennett volunteered to role play!
We practiced our yelling if we were to see a stranger!
We learned how to be safe, strong, and FREE!!!
In writing, we started to draft our 5 senses book....

Tonight, I have assigned one page of math and reading homework....
Miss Ignatiadis
Miss Ignatiadis
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