In math today, we practiced our UNIT 7 review..... I have sent home one page of math review for homework... . Tomorrow will we practice our UNIT 7 Open Response....
In writing, the students continued to do their 5 senses books, they worked on their sense of taste today....

In Social Studies, we did a weekly reader on Jackie Robinson.... We learned that long ago, baseball was segregated. That meant that there were different leagues for African American players and white players. They couldn't play together. But Jackie Robinson changed all of that in 1947.
Jackie Robinson... A Hero... #42... April 15, we celebrate him!!!!
Finn said he persevered when he kept trying to get a goal in soccer...
Samantha said she persevered when she kept trying to get a basket in the hoop!
Kevin said he persevered when he was playing soccer and he was frustrated that he never would get a goal, but he never gave up!
Kayla said she preserved when she felt like she was not good at math... and she kept trying!
Kathryn said she persevered when she got up after someone tackled her in soccer!
Yomara said she persevered when I was trying to learn how to ride her bike... and she fell down many times and she kept trying...
Tonight, the students have one page of math and one page of reading homework....
Until Tomorrow,
Miss Ignatiadis
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