Just a quick note... In reading today, we analyzed words and talked about the meaning...
In writing today, we talked about personification and similes and the students picked a food that they liked and used their 5 senses to describe it... and used similes and personification too!

Take a look!
Christopher described Mac and Cheese....
Kevin described butter popcorn...
Sophia described blue cotton candy...
Kayla described chocolate chip cookies....
Celeste described rainbow lollipops...
In math we practiced arrays... we introduced division stories.... Tonight I have sent home 2 pages of math homework!!
Also, I have sent home a Valentine's day list of students in the classroom... We have 22 students in the classroom... please make sure your child writes a Valentine's day card to each child in the class... Our Valentine's Day party is on Thursday February 12 at 1:30pm... :)
Miss Ignatiadis
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