Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday! Arrows & Frames, Publishing....

Hi All,

     Today in Math, we learned about Frames and Arrows... The students practiced using rules to find out new numbers in the next frame....

    I sent home one page of math homework as a follow up to today's lesson...

Look at our readers today!!! So quiet and focused!!

Celeste found a quiet spot...

Finn is focused!

Jonathan is reading quietly...

In writing, the students continued to share and publish their narrative stories.... Take a look at these authors!!!
Miss I listening to Chris L's Story...

Celeste wrote a story about her birthday party....

Jessica wrote a story about Disney...

Malaki wrote a story about his birthday party...

Samantha wrote a story about her gymnastics day...
Bennett wrote about Vermont...

Kathryn wrote about the Beach...

Kayla wrote about her dog...

Christopher wrote about Home and School...

Camilo wrote a story about a skyscraper

Maira wrote a story about Disney...

Ryan wrote a story about Lake Quassy...

Yomara wrote a story about Hershey Park...
Miguel wrote a story about the pool....
A reminder that tomorrow we have the field trip to the Stamford Arboretum and it is Picture Day!!!  Please send in your child's picture day form tomorrow if you are ordering pictures! :)

Thanks so much!

Miss Ignatiadis

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